Susanne Stauch

Creative Production Lab, Berlin

Das Creative Production Lab (cp/lab) bringt 12 Unternehmer_innen aus der Technologiebranche mit 12 Unter­ nehmer_innen aus der Kreativwirt­schaft zusammen. Die Teilnehmen­den profitieren gegenseitig von ihren jeweiligen Kompetenzen und stärken so ihre Innovationsfähigkeit. Es geht um ein Miteinander auf Augenhöhe. Darum, zu verstehen, wie die anderen ticken und mit welchen Methoden und Technologien sie arbeiten. Und darum, zu lernen, wie Synergien und erfolgrei­che Kollaborationen entstehen können. Ich freue mich, dabei zu sein und bin gespannt auf zwei volle Tage unter anderem mit Jonathan Keep, Keramikdruckern und vielen neuen Ideen!

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Impact Week in Nairobi, Kenia

Very much looking forward to participating as a design thinking coach at the Impact Week in July. It is a program uniting people from a variety of countries to develop sustainable business models using different innovation techniques like Design Thinking and Business Model Generation.

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Berlin – Wielkopolska Design Innovation & Exchange Programme by IDZ

Ake Rudolph, the coordinator of the exchange program invited me to participate in a 2-day event at the Concordia Design Center in Poznan, Poland. After half a day of talks by German designers and Polish companies there was a small exhibition with a selection of Berlin designers: Joa Herrenknecht, Rupert Kopp, delikatdesign, e27 and myself. We introduced our work following a match making session between us and the Polish companies. Very interesting contacts have been made in these short but focused pitches. The next day some of us stayed to assist in a design thinking workshop that was lead by Iwona Gasińska-Mulczyńska. As a design consultant and group lead it was very exciting to observe the participants and their reactions to my advices. A great chance to practice my learnings from the the systemic coach training and of course refresh my design thinking knowledge from the D-school back in 2009.

>> Berlin Wielkopolska
>> IDZ

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