Susanne Stauch

The Love School Project, BA design project, UdK, Berlin

Besides the financial support of the school in Nairobi, the goal of the project is diverse: it’s an experiment in co-creation as a new and empowering way to work together internationally, it will sensitize the students to see their work as a creative service in a client relationship and it offers the kids from the Love School Center the opportunity to participate in the purchase of the the grounds and thus support their feeling of self-efficacy. For all participants this project will be an inspiring, mind expanding experience.

With a focus on craft, material understanding and form development the project is dedicated to the number Pi = 3,14… The work will be mostly in porcelain and fine metals, wood and fabric are possible as well. Besides the design process the question of value of those materials, the necessity of new products and the relation to a global social context will be reflected. There is a cooperation with the „Love School Center“ in the Slum Kangemi in Nairobi, Kenya. Through the NGO „NYENDO“ we have the artist and a coordinator Anthony Karori on-site, who will work with the children around the topic of pi and will create drawings, collages, photographs etc. together. In exchange with the students from UdK these first interpretations will be taken up and developed further aesthetically, functionally and formally. The students will be in touch with the kids on a regular basis through skype and the finished design objects will be sold in an auction at the end of the semester. The revenue serves the purchase of land on which the Love School Center stands which is in danger of being cleared out due to speculation.

Concept & Supervision: GastProf. Susanne Stauch, IPP, ID2, UdK
Partner: Irmgard Wutte/ Nyendo NGO
Financial Support: Martin Bisicky & Dominik Becker

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Expert for Decentralized Production – Baukulturatlas Deutschland 2030/2050

LBN+YTableDAZ-1I was invited by Matthias Böttger from raumtaktik to participate in the future workshop #3 at DAZ, which is an ongoing experimental research project by BMVDI and BBSR  about the possible futures of Germany in 2030 and 2050.
It was an inspiring and eye opening day with amazing input by a couple of experts from different backgrounds talking about sustainability, energy, environment, society and technology. I feel very honoured having been a participant and contributer to this exciting project and look forward to the publication of the results.

>> my statement (german only)


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Transparency Grenade at Transmediale – Construction and Design for Critical Engineer Julian Oliver

I am very proud to announce my participation in this overwhelming project by Julian Oliver. Thanks to some former colleagues from the Transmediale team who helped at our CYO 2011 conference, I got in touch with him and we developed a luxurious, hand crafted version of a grenade that is a provocative statement to all the secret meetings and agreements happening especially on an international level.

>> transparency grenade


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