Susanne Stauch

Creative Production Lab, Berlin

Das Creative Production Lab (cp/lab) bringt 12 Unternehmer_innen aus der Technologiebranche mit 12 Unter­ nehmer_innen aus der Kreativwirt­schaft zusammen. Die Teilnehmen­den profitieren gegenseitig von ihren jeweiligen Kompetenzen und stärken so ihre Innovationsfähigkeit. Es geht um ein Miteinander auf Augenhöhe. Darum, zu verstehen, wie die anderen ticken und mit welchen Methoden und Technologien sie arbeiten. Und darum, zu lernen, wie Synergien und erfolgrei­che Kollaborationen entstehen können. Ich freue mich, dabei zu sein und bin gespannt auf zwei volle Tage unter anderem mit Jonathan Keep, Keramikdruckern und vielen neuen Ideen!

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How 3D-printing Affects Design Amazing Functional Research at UdK

Yesterday I attended the semester presentation of ID5, run by my former supervisor Prof. Burkhard Schmitz who created an impressive overview of functional studies with his students. Back in 2007/2008 when I was working at my isopt porcelain project he would already preach the necessity of focusing on new possibilities to integrate function into the geometry of the designed artifact which is an important and basic insight that I pass on to my students as well.

I really hope the results of that show will be published in a book as it would be a wonderful tool to communicate the interconnectedness of material, production process and function resulting in an aesthetic that is pure and obvious.


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Transparency Grenade at Transmediale – Construction and Design for Critical Engineer Julian Oliver

I am very proud to announce my participation in this overwhelming project by Julian Oliver. Thanks to some former colleagues from the Transmediale team who helped at our CYO 2011 conference, I got in touch with him and we developed a luxurious, hand crafted version of a grenade that is a provocative statement to all the secret meetings and agreements happening especially on an international level.

>> transparency grenade


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