Susanne Stauch

Porcelain Evolution Lab – BA design project, UdK, Berlin

This project was dedicated to surface design as a haptic-functional and sensual-adeptable Interface between human and object.

The students approached the design process in three designated steps: supposedly inspiring experiments to get a touch and feel for the material were the starting point, followed and accompanied by a research and concept phase. These three methods eventually merged. Towards the end, of course, when the ideas were tangible, the students focused on parameters, proportions and practicability. The process was meant to be understood as an experimental evolution from analog through digital towards hybrid states. The aim was to develop surface structures that are known from other contexts and are transformed or sampled as such to cause irritation, so far only visually adeptable structures that reach a new quality in porcelain, structures that oscillate between grace and feature. The project is documented on this website.


We will show the results at Galerie erstererster, Pappelallee 69, 10437 Berlin

OPENING  23.04.2016  19.00

EXHIBITION 24. – 26.04.2016, Sun 12.00 – 19.00 & Mon/Tue 17.00 – 21.00

PARTICIPANTS Moriel Blau /Tomma Suki Hinrichsen /Parinaz Jabirian /Emilia Knabe /Markus Koistinen / Laureanne Kootstra /Dennis-Thong Nguyen / Clara Poeverlein / Hyein Pyo / Julius Terhedebrügge

WITH Dipl.Des. Laura Straßer / Dip.Des. Daniel Schulze





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Guest Professor at UdK Berlin

Starting in October I will hold a guest professorship at the University of Arts, Berlin. I am very much looking forward to this great opportunity and I am currently preparing the curriculum. This winter semester we will work at the PORCELAIN EVOLUTION LAB. For the summer semester 2016 I am  preparing a project in the area of social transformation. It is a huge coop. The students will work in interdisciplinary teams of product designers and social- and business communicaters, we work with StartNext, my friend Nadia El-Imam from Edgeryders who runs a research project on OpenCare and Ezio Manzini. The project will be accompanied by exhibitions and talks at Designtransfer. Check out the growing website around it here: HACKING UTOPIA.

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300+X – Experimental Porcelain Design Exhibition at Porzellanikon, Selb

It is 300 years ago, that the first European porcelain company fired their primary pieces. Celebrating this, the Porzellanikon in Selb, one of the German capitals of porcelain, comes up with the largest exhibition on the topic ever in this continent. (wow!) The covering theme is Königstraum und Massenware which is subdivided into several small exhibitions, where isopt is being presented at the 300+X – In Search of Tomorrow’s Porcelain

The opening was on 24. April 2010. The exhibition runs until 2. November 2010. Don’t miss it!


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