Susanne Stauch

SHARiNG the CiTY – Social Community Building, Neukölln Berlin

As I was going to move to Schillerkiez in Neukölln, which is a hot spot of gentrification right next to the Tempelhof air field I very soon realized the intense atmosphere in the neighborhood. Being inspired by the meetings with the EdgeRyder’s community I decided to start a local initiative to find out what the neighborhood needs and wants. The first events we did were some meetings with people from a community building background where the major problem already became obvious. Nobody from the neighborhood turned up although I had spend several hours to walk around cafés, markets, the church, supermarket – you name it – to spread the word and invite people to come. As a local action we then spread the poster campaign by Litekultur around the neighborhood hoping to get in touch with curious people. Dead loss. I did apply for funding via Projekt Neue Nachbarschaft with the idea to make a book which presents the people and their initiatives especially through one of the things that connects us all: food. So it was supposed to become a Schillerkiez cooking book with personal stories and background information of the neighbors and their  effort to support the neighborhood. Unfortunately the project wasn’t selected for funding and I really hope to find other ways to support the approach of giving something back to the Kiez.


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Transparency Grenade at Transmediale – Construction and Design for Critical Engineer Julian Oliver

I am very proud to announce my participation in this overwhelming project by Julian Oliver. Thanks to some former colleagues from the Transmediale team who helped at our CYO 2011 conference, I got in touch with him and we developed a luxurious, hand crafted version of a grenade that is a provocative statement to all the secret meetings and agreements happening especially on an international level.

>> transparency grenade


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Kritische Masse – von Profis und Amateuren im Design – Publication at form+zweck

With deep gratitude to Walter Scheiffele, who continuously pushed to project and supported us all we finally made it to edit our texts and get the book finished. Don’t miss to read what we think about professionals and amateurs in design and how the design world is shifting due to the evolving open and participatory approaches and the amazing possibilities the new technologies can offer.

>> order at ProQM

Texts by Florian A. Schmidt, Peter Lasch, Susanne Stauch, Friedrich Kautz, Fritz Gobbesso
Illustration and Layout by Andreas Töpfer


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