since 07/2017 Project Lead for the NGO Nyendo Hand in Hand >>
since 05/2017 Co-founder of Supernova.Institute >>
07/2016 Impact Week Nairobi: Senior Coach and facilitator of a design thinking workshop at ANU >>
10/2015 Conference “Politics For Tomorrow“: workshop facilitation, design & organisation >>
since 09/2015 Resonate: music streaming cooperative based on block chain technology. Concept & strategy, UX design >>
since 11/2013 Atomic Design Studios: web design & UX design >>
11/2013 “Atlas for Architectural Culture Germany 2030/2050“ Expert for decentralised production, cooperation with raumtaktik, a project by BMVBS and BBSR, Berlin >>
09/2012 – 05/2013 site supervision and interior design of a private apartment in Berlin >>
09/2012 “SHARiNG the CiTY“ community building >>
06/ 2011 – 03/2012 „mvh schmuckwerk“: freelance goldsmithing, manufacturing of Mokume Gane rings and wedding rings, goldsmithining teacher, Berlin >>
since 2012 for „critical engineer“ Julian Oliver, construction und realisation of interactive, mechanical exhibits, Berlin >>
09/2011 „EdgeRyders“, European Council: corporate and web design, Strasbourg >>
05/2011 Conference „Create Your Own“: administration, organisation, exhibition concept and development with Nadia EL-Imam, Berlin >>
12/2010 for Jordana Maisie (artist) „Close Encounters“: Construction and production of an exhibit for public space, cooperation with Ulrich Merz, Berlin
11/2009 – 10/2010 „Archimedes Moving Science“: development, construction and production of interactive media exhibits, Berlin >>
03/2007 – 12/2008 „schmuckwerk“: goldsmith for fine jewellery, Berlin >>
2007 „Im Treibhaus“: Fine Art Students from Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee exhibit their work. Curation, organisation, coordination, design of printing matters, ARD-Hauptstadtstudio, Berlin
2007 Physiotherapy „Am Hain“: corporate design and webdesign, Berlin >>
2006 – 2007 Projektgruppe 7.5, Berlin: freelance design for „SETU“,office chair for Herman Miller (
2006 „captivation lifephotography“: corporate design and webdesign, Berlin >>
10/2005 – 10/2006 part of the team at the studentoffice (KHB) realising the new corporate design, website and guiding system >>
since 09/2004 goldprodukt: work as designer, consultant and jeweller, Berlin >>
02/2003 – 09/2004 Goldschmiede or‘est: independant work, Berlin >>
2002 modelshop „Short Cut“: making of architecture models and 3D CAD-Data, Berlin >>
2001 „Lichtzwang“: exhibition concept and catalogue, Frankfurt a.M. >>
2000 – 2001 workshop community „Made in Hanau“ , Hanau a.M. >>
1999 Juwelier Friedrich: work as goldsmith, Frankfurt a.M. >>
09/2017 “Knives and more“, Handwerkskammer Hannover, participation with „Salieri“ >>
06/2017 „State of Design“, Berlin, participation with „Salieri“ >>
06/2017 „State of Design“, Berlin, participation with “The Love School Project” >>
05/2017 „The Love School Project“ , UdK design class ID2, Galerie erstererster, Berlin >>
07/2016 “Hacking Utopia – Who Cares?” , UdK design class ID2, designtransfer, Berlin >>
04/2016 “Porcelain Evolution Lab”, UdK design class ID2, Gallery erstererster, Berlin >>
05/2014 20 years „Made in Hanau“, joint exhibition, Goldschmiedehaus Hanau, Hanau >>
08/2011 – 09/2012 „DIY – Die Mitmachrevolution“ (DIY – the participatory revolution) Museum of Communication, Frankfurt and Berlin (isopt) >>
2010 „300+X – Experimental Porcelain-design“, Porzellanikon, Selb (isopt) >>
2008 CStem – Festival for generative und computerbased systems, Turin – World Design Capital 2008 >>
2008 ToShare – Festival for digital art and design, Turin – World Design Capital 2008
2008 „Beyond the Screen“, GeneratorX with Marius Watz, Galery [DAM], Berlin
2003 „Kunstwelle” Positions towards corrugated board, Kulturbrauerei, Berlin
2002 „Very important Jewellery“, qualification class of Zeichenakademie Hanau, planning, design and organisation, Erfurt
2000 joint exhibition with „Made in Hanau“, planning, design and organisation, Hanau
2017 „The Love School Project“ in Nairobi, Kenya. Co-creative design concepts with students of UdK and pupils of Love School, Kangemi. Coop with the NGO Nyendo. >>
2005 „Legendary Design“ in Taiwan/Taipei (National Taipei University of Technology) and Korea/Busan (Dongseo University), interaction with the asian students, designing electronic devices on basis of the european and asian culture and legends
2004 „Megacities, Urbanization and use of Public Space“ in India (Bombay/Rizvi College of Architecture and Ahmedabad/National Institute of Design).
2017 „Top 50 Social Innovators to Watch“, tbd nominated >>
2008 „Bayerischer Staatspreis“, isopt at the Bavarian National Museum, Munich
2005 „Give Away Award 06“ , Berendsohn
2004 „Grimm‘s Fairy Tales“ design of a coin, Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung
2004 „comfort and functionality at home“, DuPont plastics
2003 „Lichtwert. Energy Efficient Lighting.“, Initiative EnergieEffizienz
2000 „Progress with Ideas“, designing a price for Hessischer Rundfunk
2020 Registered Practitioner for Psychotherapy
2012 Systemic Business Coach, Coaching Akademie Berlin >>
2008 Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam – School of Design Thinking >>
2008 Diploma „isopt – parametric isolation porcelain with integrated induction technology“ at University of Arts, Berlin, Prof. Schmitz >>
2001 – 2008 Studies of Product Design and Visual Communication at weißensee Academy of Art, Berlin >>
2001 Qualification in the craft of goldsmithing at Staatliche Zeichenakademie Hanau, „Gold- und Silversmith“ >>